Is instalocking the only way to play duelists?

Posted by Steve

Thursday, January 26, 2023 2:26 AM

I am currently b3 (s2 last act). I love playing jett. But as soon as I pick jett ( not lock), someone else will instalock her. Not only this guy but someone else would lock duelist ad well.

I am forced to play either smokes or sentinels now. They aint that bad, but I like to play aggressive and jett abilities really help and nurture my aggressive style of playing. I can't do the same with say brim or maybe kj.

Not to mention, 90% of the time, instalockers are a liability and doesnt do shit. Litreally bot fragging and having the highest negative kd. Not to mention, these insta locking duelist don't even give entrance to sites.

These peeps litreally be like, mAn I oNlY kNoW hOw To PlAy JeTt or mAn I oNlY kNoW hOw To PlAy ReYnA. Trust me dude, u don't know how to play these agents as well.



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