Is it just me or is the ranked system weird?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, June 16, 2021 10:36 AM

Ok, I'm not saying that I deserve a higher rank or anything, but I want to point out how difficult it is for me to even attempt to gain elo.

Right now I am ranked at Platinum 2, where I have been at for most of my time in valorant. I have been D2 at one time and also S1 when I started (I don't know if this has anything to do with this). For the entirety of this year, my elo gains have been awful, and I mean awful. Games that I win with match MVP gets me +17/18, whereas a loss gives me -24/-23. Maybe the game thinks I don't deserve my rank, but that wouldn't make sense as it often puts me against diamond and previously immortal players (I see these act ranks often) and it makes ranked very difficult for me. I somewhat appreciate this as I am able to improve by going against better players, but I do not get the insanely low gains I get from winning. To even maintain my elo, I have to get a positive win rate, and it's often in lobbies like this. My friends want me to play on an alt account as whenever I queue with them, we have diamond-level players often going against us (most of my friends are gold).

For those who do not think the elo gains are very low, it adds up in the end.

It is around a 55%-58% win rate, so I have to win about 4 games for every 3 losses. At first, it doesn't add up to much, but as more games are played, it adds up. The difference between win/loss is -5 to -7. So in 28.5 to 40 games (with a win rate of 50%) I would lose 100 points of elo, basically a rank.

I understand the intention of elo gains, as some people that are in high elo do not deserve to be there and should de-rank, but in my case, I have yet to de-rank as I have been maintaining a positive win rate, but it is getting way too difficult especially since I am stuck in lobbies with people who have very high act ranks (basically they are highly skilled players who are in lower elo) in addition to these poor elo gains.

One of my friends also have these issues, being in gold 2 and being a very highly skilled player (able to perform very well in immortal and diamond, amazing guy), and I know one issue is that he loses much more elo from a loss than he gains from a win. I wonder if any of you guys suffer a similar situation.



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