Is it normal to have 970 hours and only be gold 2?

Posted by Steve

Monday, May 30, 2022 1:43 PM

Is it normal to have 970 hours and only be gold 2?

Here's my profile.

I've been running DMs pretty consistently and trying to make sure I understand the game enough. I feel pretty confident in my agent picks (Omen, Cypher, and Sova).

I'm not mad/upset or anything, I've just looked at other comments that said they got immo with like 350 hours of play without any other MnK experience. I had like 3k hours across cod/siege/overwatch/apex on Xbox before I switched to pc. I've played almost exclusively valorant.

I think my main problem is that I have a full time job and school to deal with. Some days I can't play and others I only get in like 2-3 DMs. I usually play competitive/unrated exclusive in bursts of like 2-3 on the weekends with about 10 games a week on average.

I play with plats regularly, so maybe I'm just not playing enough. I'm just curious what you guys think.



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