is it okay if i dont play in competitive?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, September 7, 2022 5:04 PM

Im lvl 51 in Valorant and while i wouldnt say that i absolutely suck ass at the game, im not a pro that gets headshots everytime either.

I played competitive one time when i was lvl 35 and ill be honest it traumatized me, my whole team was bashing on me the whole time and even tho i kept them muted for the rest of the game, I was wayy too anxious to play properly.

From then on, I never went into competitive again solo queued or not, ill just stay in my lane of unrated.

The reason that im askin this is because i was doing pretty good on a game the other day and actually got 3 aces in a row, someone on my team asked what rank I was and i just said unranked, they said oh in THAT kind of tone and didn't talk the rest of the game.

So is it fine if i just never or rarely play in comp?



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