Is it possible to get carried by your teammates all the way to Immortal?

Posted by Steve

Monday, September 20, 2021 12:45 PM

Hi guys, so my lovely boyfriend, who I think is really amazing at the game, recently hit Immortal, and ever since, he's been playing weird, his aim is shaky, even on low elo smurfs, I personally think he's just having a bad week, but he insists and says he is just not good at the game and probably just got carried from platinum to immortal thanks to random good teammates (he only plays solo). I find this to be impossible but he's been feeling super down and wanting to stop playing saying he's so shit, and I figured I could ask you good people if it could be true, or if I should keep nagging him to chin up and git gud

TLDR: boyfriend feeling upset about his aim and claims he only got immortal due to good teammates, being the newbie that I am, I wanted to ask if that was possible or if I should encourage him to keep playing



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