Posted by Steve
Saturday, November 12, 2022 5:48 PM
Idk if it's just me but I feel like duelists get way more hype and coolness. They have cooler designs, voice lines, they're cooler in animations that riot makes, heck Jett and Raze even have their own music videos.
You may say well coolness doesn't matter, but I'd say it does kind of matter because it makes everyone want to play them. I feel like if they made some cooler controllers and hyped them up more more people would want to play them. Sure everyone can play what they want but when you get 3 instalock duelists and the 4th guy is like "best i can do is chamber" you can't even play Fade or Skye you have to go smokes because othervise they're gonna cry like babies and throw immidietly. (And this is in plat-diamond btw). I just wish more people would really like to play other roles, it feels like most people really want to be that duelist guy and sometimes they fill if they have to. I mean if it was purely down to character design, would you play Jett or Brim? I rest my case lol
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