Is Rope Shooting Too Accurate? gripes About Ropes & Standing Jumping Sounds.

Posted by Steve

Saturday, March 6, 2021 9:52 PM

Rope shooting should be nerfed. It's too accurate.

Also, straffe plus forward/backward, plus look up/down, should make movement on vertical ropes be faster (like csgo ladders).

Also, you should be able to drop down & press F & silently attach.

Jump button should propel you away from the ropes.

Also, standing still & jumping should not make a sound (you should be able to silently jump up into window, on haven, for example). Not sure, but maybe holding walk button makes it silent? Haven't tested that... but if that is the case, standing still & jumping should be silent (or more quiet than walk jumping). Also, golding walk, on first jump up a ramp & then bunny hopping without walk is completely silent. Instead of complete silence, that bunny hop up ramps should instead be less loud than normal bunny hopping/jumping while running.



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