Is smurfing in unrated a thing/actually a problem?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, August 20, 2022 12:02 PM

I recently made a new account with my girlfriend to play unrated with her (I helped my girlfriend buy a pc and Valorant is her first game). Every few games someone gets pissed off at me for "smurfing" when I seldom drop more than 30 kills. My understanding of smurfing is in the realm of the competitive game mode only; I dont understand how it is considered smurfing if I am playing casually in unrated? Is this smurfing or is this fine?

I am a silver 1 peak player.

Edit: Thanks for the responses I appreciate the feedback. Bottom line though I value playing with my girlfriend and making it a good experience for her over making it a good experience for all of you so I suppose im gonna keep "smurfing" in unrated.



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