Is something wrong with riot's servers?

Posted by Steve

Friday, February 18, 2022 6:31 PM

This past week i have been having pretty much the hardest time ever trying to play valorant. Every single enemy seems like they know exactly where i am. They dont miss any shots and somehow always strafe at exactly the right time to avoid mine. I thought it was just me being inconsistent but this has gone on for a week even though i took a 2 day break in the middle.
If i try to queue for a deathmatch i can usually finish 5th to 7th place (I do the miyagi method so i dont really get any kills for the first half of the game).

This isnt a one time thing either. Every gunfight i get into is just left up to chance now because i know that no matter how hard i try im never gonna react fast enough. I peaked gold 1 a while ago and was sitting in silver 3 last act and silver 2 before this week so i wouldnt call myself a terrible player. I have good crosshair placement as well.

Now ive dropped to silver 1 and am struggling against bronzes and silver 1's even though i literally got to silver 2 in 3 games 2 weeks ago. I really just dont understand why this is happening. There must be some sort of delay between what my enemies see and what i see considering that they dont even need to stop to aim when peeking before im already dead. This is more than just peekers advantage. Has anyone else ever had this problem and if so how did you fix it?



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