Is time travel real?

Posted by Steve

Friday, October 15, 2021 6:31 PM


Time traveling in valorant might be possible because can backward from the past or the future.

unlike Yoru's Time travel and dimensions are canon in Valorant lore, which makes Yoru’s backstory of being a time traveler entirely possible. around late 2040s an 36 year old filipino man escaped from kingdom using it's time travel later it was encountered an 19 year old student when spotted in the dark, this could be encounter from the past by memories. the article said in Philippine daily star:

Mirrored humans? 19 year old college student encounters another person from the future Called 'The Mirrors' is Valorant Real or a Fiction?

Riot games Statements about the Kingdom id was real and genuine, not usually fake.

"Valorant is a Fictional game which created by our company riot games, Because of this Actual ID might be genuine. however, we will understand to this incident of an actual id"

- Nicolo Laurent

actual id taken by student where 'alternates' vanished. however, Kingdom corporation dosen't exists in real life (PNP, 2022)



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