is using brimstone's orbital strike considered a war crime?

Posted by Steve

Friday, April 30, 2021 7:14 PM


making a list of war crimes that they commit to play the most heinous character.
so far viper is my choice pick.
raze is a close second, along with every agent that looks like they are dressed for a party
*looks at phoenix and jett*

is the blastx skin set considered a war crime if you disguise a lethal weapon to look like a toy?

current war crimes

  1. dressing as civilians
  2. cluster bombs (raze)
  3. toxic gas and acid (viper)
  4. ~~playing breach~~

kj n' raze's tech violate laws of robotics, but i dont think those are considered war crimes
shooting sage and skye is permitted.
skye's summons arent actually animals in the conventional sense.
is cypher's ult considered "mistreatment of dead bodies"?
none of the flash bangs and mollies count as war crimes apparently



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