Is using voice chat in valorant okay for women/is it worth it to get a mic?

Posted by Steve

Friday, November 6, 2020 3:09 PM

Hey, I'm totally new to valorant (actually just installed it), but I've been watching some streamers play it and it seemed like a lot of fun. I was just wondering if I should get a mic. The 'ping' communication system in this game seems really good and I've seen the issue in some other games that if you are a woman and use voice chat you're kind of singled out and called out on it. Especially while I'm still a noob I don't know if I want to get piled on in games when I just want to focus on getting better and having fun. However I don't know yet if it's actually a problem of course. I searched for the topic on this subreddit and saw a post from 4 months ago saying it does get annoying when you have a female voice but it might have changed a bit in that time since the playerbase of Valorant has grown a lot. So my question is, do you get piled on for using a female voice in chat and if so, is the alternative good enough to avoid having to use it or is it worth it to get a mic even if you're kind of targeted sometimes? I don't really mind random toxicity, it's only when it's super targeted that it would kinda bug me.



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