is viper viable in solo q and if not who is

Posted by Steve

Monday, February 14, 2022 1:00 PM

i find my self almost always playing support roles for the team cuz no one else will so im usually omen, cypher, skye, sage and sova maybe more that im forgetting but i always feel like i have to do everything like push for the team (WHILE MY JETT OR REYNA IS SITTING THERE WAITING LIKE A SCARED CHILD) and somehow flank watch and simultaneously provide intel so the team feels confident following me into site keep in mind im not the duellist/entry fragger.

i like cypher astra omen and sova but sova takes a while to learn and i dont mind learning him as long as hes good for solo q. i like cypher cuz of his camera and the many different ways you can play around it.

so im looking for some soloq agents to help me out and ive heard viper is very good just wondering whether shes viable for solo q so i can start learning lineups

i dont wanna learn her if shes not good for solo q cuz thats just setting myself up for failure or making it harder on myself to win

so is she or is she not good for solo q if not why and who is and whythank you



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