Posted by Steve
Sunday, March 21, 2021 5:04 AM
I was Gold 2 and got demoted all the way into Silver 1. My impressions are:
- Why everyone in Silver is a fucking 1-tap machine? My guess it's because many people are getting demoted so the "silver" lobby it's actually a ex-gold lobby.
- I'm a Cypher main, and sometimes i play Brimstone or Sova to complete the composition, but one thing i notice is: no one cares about composition, or strategy, anything, they just lock duelist and try to win solo, and i think that because duelist are too strong in this meta and Sentinels are too nerfed.
- It's sad because my impression is just this game doesn't reward strategy, just reward the 40+ kills aimbot duelist.
How you feel about ranked as a non-duelist main like me? You just try to pick Jett/Reyna and try to win solo? Because i'm serious thinking about quit because i can't win a single game in like 15 matches.
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Posted by Otto
Sunday, April 23, 2023 7:14 PM
Hey! Is there any raze mains who could give me advice on these satchels. I don't play comp just want to learn how to fly around the map. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
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Wednesday, March 16, 2022 3:09 PM