Is it wrong to have the entire team hold one point when your opponents are only going to that same point every round?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, October 12, 2021 4:07 PM

I just came out of a silver game where the opposition went A every single round. My team would go 3 A and 2 B every round, which would lead to the 3 people dying at A, and the 2 guys from B running over into an unfavourable fight.

I suggested to my team that we should all sit on A. My reasoning was that if they go A, it's a 5v5, but if they go B, we are at least all alive and may have a chance of winning a fight. We had won 3 round and lost 7 when I suggested this.

Our Jett and Reyna flamed me for the rest of the game because of this. For the record, I was top fragger as Omen when suggesting the strategy, on a team with 4 Duelists.

I don't think my idea was bad. I actually still think it was a pretty good idea because every round without fail they went A. Was my idea objectively wrong?

As an aside, Reyna and Jett flamed me every time I wouldn't walk too, which I thought was interesting. Why are silvers obsessed with walking everywhere? Surely the speed you get from running can sometimes outweigh the enemy hearing you, especially when you all run in from different angles and overwhelm their senses.



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