Isn't this like the definition of missleading marketing?

Posted by Steve

Sunday, August 2, 2020 9:55 AM

Isn't this like the definition of missleading marketing?

-20% of what?

how can the 20 Radianite Bundle be 20% off? 20 off what? the Radianite points? its the smallest bundle, its the default price. If i could buy 1 Radianite Point for 100 VP than yeah it would be 20% off but i can't buy 1 radianite for 100 RP. So for all for all intents and purposes, 20 RP = 1600VP, there is no 20% discount on them.

This is straight up predatory/missleading marketing. You want to make people think they are saving money when there is no way to even buy it for cheaper. And its not like this is a special offer that is only currently available either, these prices have been like this since the start of the game.

-20% should be removed and -30% and -40% should be changed to reflect the actual money saved. Your prices are high enough as it is for skins, such advertising strats are something i expect from a mobile game company or EA not from a respectable developer.

Edit: R.I.P my inbox, this blew up more than i expected.



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