It is intended that the game is trying really hard to derank me?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, March 10, 2021 6:16 PM

I'm a proved plat player last rank, ranked gold 3 this act, games are back and fort and is ok, but it is impossible to rank up, any game I win I get +17/+19 (if I MVP), but any game I lose I get straight up -24, maybe -21 if I poped off again but thats it.
I went down all the way up to gold 1 now and I just don't want to play anymore, what's the point if the game is actually trying derank me, and I figure that once I lost an entire divison maybe the numbers will kind of help again but no, I'm still losing much more than winning.

Is this actually how ranked is suppose to work? I need like 70% win rate to actually MANTAIN my rank?



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