It sucks being stuck in Silver because there’s a smurf in nearly every other match

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, April 20, 2021 3:09 AM

Having a Jett go 30/8 while the rest of her team is 11/10 just completely ruins the match, for both sides honestly. The smurf team just has their Jett do all the work so they don’t improve, and the other team gets shit on by someone who is just better. You can’t improve at all because you’re dead before you get a chance to shoot.

And, for the record, it’s VERY obvious to tell a smurf vs. a random pop off game. Their movement, aim, game sense, ..etc is just leagues above everyone else in the lobby.

What sucks the most about a smurf in a game like Valorant (never play CS, but I’m assuming it’s the same) is that as a true Silver player, killing someone who is Plat+ is really just luck. You have maybe 1 second to click heads or else they’ll just beat you to it, unless you get behind them of course. The only thing you can do to stop a smurf is stack a site and hope they get cocky and you can 1v5 them.

If Riot can make accounts be linked to phone numbers or something else that can’t just be recreated or spoofed smurfing would go down and I can actually lose matches to players of my own skill. Losing against a smurf does nothing except make me tilted and not want to play.



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