Posted by Steve
Tuesday, February 2, 2021 10:07 PM

amidst the running accuracy complaints, something I don't see discussed at all is the time it actually takes to regain full accuracy after you stop running
turns out it takes twice as long to come to a stop from running compared to csgo.
in CSGO with counter strafe you can come to a stop in about 3-4 frames (~0.06 seconds)
versus in Valorant with counter strafe it takes about 7-8 frames (~0.12 seconds)
Despite this, deaths in valorant look like the enemy hasn't come to a complete stop
there was a long post (now deleted) analyzing how the legs animations may be to blame
to summarize, in Valorant characters remain in the running animation until they abruptly snap into the standing pose only once they've fully stopped, as opposed to csgo where there is a transition animation once they've began to slow down.
heres some of the clips:
Valorant Legs Agressive Pointing 1
Valorant Legs Agressive Pointing 2
Could this also be a reason behind all the running and shooting accusations?
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