It’d be really nice if Riot implemented a type of Range where we could personally test out gun skins that we might want to buy.

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, November 18, 2020 7:00 PM

I’ve been on the fence for which Vandal skin to buy for a while (Prime, Dragon, Reaver), and I’ve had the same situation with knives, phantom skins, OP skins, etc. Since a lot of the skins main appeal is the VFX and how it feels to play, it’d be nice if Riot could let us go into a training range to test the skins ourselves before we buy.

To specify, when people say that the Prime Vandal feels like it has lower recoil, for example - I don’t own the Prime, so it’s Russian roulette for me if I actually enjoy the way shooting the gun feels. And with skins this expensive, I don’t know that I want to buy a skin and regret the purchase. Obviously it won’t actually have less recoil, but when personal preference plays such a large role in how much we enjoy the skin, it’d be really nice if we could test shooting them and seeing how we like them in-game ourselves. What do you guys think?



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