It's a longshot but I wanted to thank two of the enemies team members in a match tonight with a disappointed Chamber

Posted by Steve

Saturday, September 17, 2022 11:05 PM

I reached out to Customer Support to see if they can help track this down. I don't think they would be able to due to personal information so I wanted to just put this out here incase they somehow stumble by it.

Right before going to bed I realized that somewhere between 10p and 2a EST last night, I had a really great match thanks to two of the enemy team members, which is something I didn't think would happen.

I was really down on myself because I was getting outplayed by another team (or at least these 2 people) that were maybe 1 or 2 skill levels higher than me. They could tell I was getting frustrated because I was making the right plays with Chamber but I was always just less accurate than them.

At one point someone from the other team mentioned me in All Chat, "chamber...", right after the engagement where again I made the right play and was able to get the drop on them, but I just failed to execute. They knew it, I knew it, everyone else knew it. I acknowledge what was happening, and maybe a few other times throughout the game.

I was trying really hard in that match, like, actually really trying. I still kept trying but I kept harassing myself again and again, the situation was the same round after round.

I think at one point I apologized in chat to them about not doing well and they said something along the lines of "no you're doing great", "you really are".

That meant a lot to me and I never got to thank them. I don't know if they'll ever read this but if they do, seriously, thank you both, I really needed that right now.



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