Posted by Steve
Monday, August 2, 2021 5:33 AM
He's almost useless in this meta, but if maps like Breeze are more common Cypher will slowly fit into the Meta. Simply because he is capable of dropping his shit and leaving because of his unlimited range. It's pretty nice knowing you can leave B and know your Util has your back. KJ ATM is a better sent but she has a range on her util and even ULT. Knowing if they are on the opposite site 3-5 seconds earlier is cruical.. Cypher can provide that with his unlimted range.
So with that said, i think the buff that Cypher needs is his ULT needs a longer range.. You know how hard it is to ult with Cypher? it's a great Ult, but it needs to be reworked... not only does the yellow glow sometimes mess your shots up, but you need to be like 5 feet from the body. On breeze you are almost never near the body you just fragged, So you will never get the chance to use it.
Just increase the range... By a lot and increase the timer to be used. and he will be a very Viable agent.. If we are creating larger maps, The more info = better games Even then. Having an agent right now that can get info if they are on the opposite site or not would pretty beneficial RN.
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