"it's unrated you don't have to try so hard"

Posted by Steve

Saturday, November 12, 2022 10:21 AM

I never ever understand how you can play the game and intentionally throw, let your team lose and still find joy in it, like the only explanation would be that you're such a gigachad in real life that you just get on video games to feel what failing is like.

But my problem isn't that, I like going on unrated when my friends are busy, but I still play the same. Way i do in comp, I give callouts, pings, I use my abilities and I win rounds rather than kills, I don't know how else to play the game tbh, and sometimes randoms be telling me "I don't need to do all that cuz it's unrated" like?????? I'm completely lost on this

Edit: a lotta comments feel like yall not reading the same post lol I'm not complaining about losing, or about my teammates not trying hard, I'm complaining about the players that hate or find it boring when I play the game the normal way


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/yrwg9t/its_unrated_you_dont_have_to_try_so_hard/
  • https://reddit.com/yrwg9t

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