I’ve figured out why I’m inconsistent, but I’m not sure how to fix it…

Posted by Steve

Saturday, April 9, 2022 7:00 AM

Last night I hit Diamond for the first time after playing the 2 craziest games I’ve ever played. I was doing alright yesterday, playing pretty average for a Plat 3 player. But I felt like a completely different person when playing my last 2 games of the night.

The 2nd to last game was extremely fun, everyone talking and hyping each other up, and I ended up hitting some crazy shots I could only hit by luck before. It wasn’t like 1-2 crazy kills during the game, but consistently hitting shots I couldn’t hit before. My aim felt snappy and my reaction time felt extremely fast.

I’ve realized that when playing before yesterday that I feel tired, I’m zoning out, and my brain feels slow. I’m not sure what was different between last night and the previous times I’ve played ranked. I sleep the same hours every night, eat the same, etc etc. I’m not sure how to hype myself up and get the same energy I had last night. Anyone have any suggestions?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/tz4nw4/ive_figured_out_why_im_inconsistent_but_im_not/
  • https://reddit.com/tz4nw4

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