I've hit the "game isn't fun anymore" point and it's terrible.

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, December 14, 2022 6:02 AM

I found that playing earlier in the day helps to avoid the toxicity. People who play in the morning are generally nicer and talk more, it's an enjoyable experience. I hit a streak of people absolutely terrible. I like to think of myself as someone who can flex well enough. I don't play duelist a ton, but I can flex any other role really well. I don't mind varying team comps, so long as there are smokes, and I prefer to have a sentinel. I can try to understand when people instalock, sure you like playing your main, and if it's all your good at you don't want to lose out on that. I CANNOT STAND IT when 3 people instalock duelist and then start flaming each other because we have 3 duelists, and start screaming.

The game has not even started and I can tell it's going to be a loss if I decide to play it. Everyone starts out hating each other, nobody's ready for the 3 duelist comp which, in my opinion, requires massively different playstyle. I truly cannot stand when people join the game and decide to play their way, and ALSO INSIST THAT YOU PLAY THEIR WAY... This is something that's happened the past 3 games I've queued: 3 instalock duelists, they flame each other, then yell at me and the 5th for smokes, cry when the 5th picks sentinel, and I dodge because everyone's already unhappy. It is so unquestionably frustrating when I commit time to warm up, play the range, play deathmatch twice, and it all comes to a head when I finally find a comp match, and everything falls apart.

I'm so fed up with people not caring about the team in a team game. I know this has been happening for a while but it's hit me harder than ever lately.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/zk3j02/ive_hit_the_game_isnt_fun_anymore_point_and_its/
  • https://reddit.com/zk3j02

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