I've learned an easy way to improve, while not necessarily even having to learn anything

Posted by Steve

Monday, February 14, 2022 4:50 PM

Just fresh promoted to Silver, so I'm not any kind of an amazing player. I've been learning Valorant since new years, so about 2 months now. I've had my fair share of struggle, obviously. Played CSGO before, never got very good but knew enough to understand concept.

Now, here's my tip for anyone in any rank, who is maybe getting titled, or just on a bad lose streak.
Watch a high ranking player stream.
I will explain, please give me a chance. Maybe I'm alone on this, but the worst part for me playing/learning Valorant is the constant deaths that seem useless - meaning I don't learn nothing from it. I've died many times to stupid luck, to lack of knowledge or information, to just my aim being bad. This happened at the start A LOT, and still happens now often enough. What helped me shrug it off lately was just watching pro players on Twitch, getting randomly one tapped by an obvious corner, or just getting unlucky and turning at the wrong time.

I've been watching streams almost as much as playing (it's about 60/40, in favor of playing), and I must say it does wonders to my mental, when I see that very often the deaths and mistakes I make are happening to everyone. Of course I'm not comparing myself to top ranks, but there's something about watching top players die to the same situations as I do. Simply put: it makes me see that this game sometimes kicks you, no matter who you are. Or how many hours you have. It's brutally fair and there's always more you can give next time. There's no actual walls keeping you away from self-betterment.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/srqtni/ive_learned_an_easy_way_to_improve_while_not/
  • https://reddit.com/srqtni

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