Jett needs some tweaking

Posted by Steve

Friday, February 11, 2022 2:26 PM

Obviously Astra needs a rework, and the controllers in general need to be balanced first and foremost.

However, it is INSANE to me that Jett is as broken as she is and just gets away with it. I feel like it’s a conversation everyone is afraid of having for some reason. Everyone complains about astra (for good reason) but Jett just gets away with being busted and idk why.

She gets to do such stupid crap for free and I’m getting sick of it. Remember that one week her dash was SLIGHTLY nerfed and every support player and their mother was like “please don’t revert this”? Then everyone stopped talking about it?

EDIT: Woe, this blew up more than I expected. Here’s some proposed nerfs to START with that I think are extremely fair and wouldn’t disrupt the character too much, if at all.

  1. Make weapon swap out of dash full weapon swap speed

  2. Get rid of kill reset FOR DASH (not knives, you can keep that)



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