Posted by Steve
Saturday, December 24, 2022 3:09 AM
Been playing since beta and for the first time ever I was in a game where we managed to come back from 1 - 11 and end up winning.
Immortal lobby - first half I was playing not too great along with our sage and sova, I was getting super embarrassed by my performance and was worried that our viper and phoenix would flame us. Instead of being toxic or giving up as soon as we starting losing rounds, they were still positive and continued to try their hardest.
Come second half we win pistol and the subsequent buy and bonus rounds, gaining momentum to the point where we managed a nearly flawless second half that would lead into overtime. We ended up winning the OT and I'm still in shock from the fact we were able to pull things around, its just a silly videogame at the end of the day but this was genuinely the most amazing game I've ever had in the 2.5 years Valorant has been available and I feel so happy seeing everyone work together to try and make a the comeback happen.
Shoutout to all of my teammates for having such great mental, I know this is a wordy and messy post but I'm still in awe of what happened. Positive encounters with other players in ranked aren't super common for me and I just wanted to share one I had.
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