Just because it's fun for you, it doesn't mean it's fun for others.

Posted by Steve

Thursday, April 6, 2023 5:05 AM

This post is mainly for competitive games, however, this could apply to others as well.

Just because you have fun "fake insulting" people or telling them to kill themselves, scream at mic for fun, talking a bunch of stuff that's not useful for the current round/situation, it doesn't mean it is fun for others.

Please read the vibe of the room first. Competitive game, by defualt, is for competing and going for the victory. Good vibes are usually optimal for the good game/better performance, but your kind of fun may not always click with others.

I just had a game where people were toxic to each other for no apparent reason, telling others to die and all, lying about me that I said the n word and so on, while I explicitly asked them to be quiet "please be quiet, its distracting" while I'm clutching 1v2 and can't mute them in the moment because every moment is important. I was the best performing player in our team, made most calls, gave every kind of information that I was aware of, yet, had to mute my teammates because they got under my skin and it was too distracting.

So... Please be aware if your kind of fun is fun for others. If not- please adapt and stop because it's competitive, and not everything is about you... It's about the team.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/12cr1mb/just_because_its_fun_for_you_it_doesnt_mean_its/
  • https://reddit.com/12cr1mb

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