Just got out of a Ranked game that was all silver vs all gold on the enemy team. Ranked is actually not enjoyable

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, February 3, 2021 6:31 PM

I followed this game since it was announced and got super hyped. Been playing it since beta day one. I peaked at gold 2, and have stayed low gold/low high silver since beta.

I understand that ranked is difficult and it takes time and skill to climb. But it feels like no matter how many tutorials I watch, how many vods I watch, no matter how much I aim train, I stay in games where its stomp or get stomped.

There is no consistency. I don't feel like I'm going up against people of similar skill. I will outplay a ton of other silvers/golds, then get decimated by the same ranks next game.

Its the most confusing, and frustrating thing in the world, and it honestly diminishes my desire to play.

Before I get hit with the "git gud" I would be fine with staying silver if the games weren't so constantly lopsided. I'm fine with close games/feeling consistency. Just not smash or be smashed.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/lb914w/just_got_out_of_a_ranked_game_that_was_all_silver/
  • https://reddit.com/lb914w

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