Posted by Steve
Saturday, March 12, 2022 3:24 AM

I’ve been trying for the last few episodes to maintain above diamond 3 because I’ve always been floating between high D3 and immortal 1. Yesterday I hit my peak near Immortal 2 at 138 RR. Take my opinion with a grain of salt but I feel as if these few things have helped me.
some notes when playing that are often overlooked:
Say you lost a round and have the option to buy a Sheriff and Armor, sometimes I ask the team if they want to full save so each person on the team can buy a rifle AND full armor 2 times in a row.
From the way that I think of it, the chances are significantly lower forcing sheriffs. obviously it’s situational game by game, if you’re feelin spicy go for the one tap. however, if you don’t buy sheriff and armor you’ll have an extra $1200 next round assisting you to by two rounds in a row. I can’t count how many times I’ve seen people force a sheriff or marshal with light armor and do absolutely nothing with it. They get picked first or just get shredded cause the other team has vandals and heavy armor. Especially if only 2 people force, then it feels like money was just thrown away. Honestly, it’s probably better to be cheeky and sit in a corner with a shotgun hoping they don’t see you rather than hoping you get a Tik-Tok clip with your marshal.
Overall, just be better with where you spend your money. Think about the value of what you are buying and the chances it will increase of you winning the round. If you have Ult’s lined up for post plant it may be useful.. be smart and use your discretion.
When you have bomb planted, just listen for the sound… especially in a 2v1 bomb planted. For example on A site Ascent, you know he’s top heaven and door is closed. One persons behind Gen and one person is hell. Just wait for the drop you will hear it, and when he does you and your teammate peek and shoot him at the same time, trade if one of you die. If your teammates say they have post-plant ult then play off that and hold site. Once again don’t peek. Make them peek you, make them come to you, make them work for it. The more you peak the less hard they have to work to win the round. Not peaking also doesn’t give them any info on where you’re playing, make them guess.
Another note, almost every single defuse is a fake.. what are the chances they hop it and don’t get off to try and spot you checking bomb? WASTE THEIR TIME. You will most likely hear their foot steps, if you don’t hear anything in 5 seconds you may want to check the bomb, it takes 7 seconds to defuse. But still, in my personal experience, it’s almost always fake..
In terms of gun fights, stop spraying. Track their head and tap in bursts of up to 4. I have won way more gunfights this way. Especially at medium range and far range, tapping is way more effective then relying on your spray transfer. I’ve been trying to discipline myself with this. I’m still guilty of doing it and immediately try and fix it moving forward during that match.
Before a game play a death match and practice only shooting one bullet and tracking, it seems to help me in my matches during the day.
Communicate more effectively. Clear comms. Say what you are watching, it makes it so your teammates will trust you and don’t have to look at their mini-map to know what you’re watching. The more communication you have you will be more successful.
Furthermore, DO look at your mini-map more periodically. Enemies pop up on the map and call them out for your teammates who may have missed it.
If anyone else has any information they’d like to add, please feel free! Or any opposing opinions.
Here is my Valorant profile:
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