Just hit Radiant as a casual player

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, May 4, 2021 11:05 PM

EDIT: A lot of people are mentioning that I'm actually not a casual player which I completely understand. I just play for fun with no intention of being a pro or streaming

I know there are probably tons of posts talking about people being proud of their rank they just hit and this may just be another one of those, but as someone whose only prior experience with fps games was hitting DMG in CSGO, I think this goes to show that ANYONE can hit radiant with enough hard work. I started playing during covid like many others and have been playing since beta. Today for the first time during all of this I hit radiant with little experience before now and it has been crazy playing with ex csgo pros and current valorant pros. WITH ENOUGH HARD WORK ANYONE CAN HIT RADIANT KEEP GRINDING LETS FUCKING GOOO. If anyone has any questions about the process or anything like that I'm happy to answer them :)


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/n4aa72/just_hit_radiant_as_a_casual_player/
  • https://reddit.com/n4aa72

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