Just lost 26 rank because I wouldn’t map dodge

Posted by Steve

Friday, March 25, 2022 5:48 AM

Queue into fracture, someone tells everyone else to dodge though they won’t. We refuse, they spend the entire match not shooting their gun and running into the enemy as neon while also calling everyone slurs and telling them to kill themselves. Obviously we ff. Still lose 26 rank. It’s ridiculous that that is able to happen. Losing more than a quarter of a rank because someone decided to be crazy toxic because you wouldn’t dodge a map.

Edit: to everyone saying mute neon and keep playing. We had two younger kids on our team who were giving neon the reaction he wanted and he just honed in on them. it just made them get mad and play worse so while yeah, normally I would like to 4v5 instead of FFing, it was clear that those two(who had been playing fine previously) were completely out of the game mentally.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/tkye82/just_lost_26_rank_because_i_wouldnt_map_dodge/
  • https://reddit.com/tkye82

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