Just a reminder that Valorant is a game and you’re meant to have fun. Not everything is about rank and how good or bad you’re doing.

Posted by Steve

Saturday, November 7, 2020 3:38 AM

I just had a game where we were up 9-0 and then one of our teammates had to leave due to personal problems. This was in fact a ranked game but I get it, stuff happens, and you should never prioritize the game over what’s going on in your life. Even though it was only a 4v5 we still continued to lose more rounds and 2 of our teammates stopped trying. In any situation I would have gotten upset since this is the game I needed to rank up, but I just continued playing and having fun with the Omen on my team. Since this was the last game of the day, I just decided that it didn’t matter if I was winning or losing, it’s a game, it’s meant to be fun, not stressful. We ended up losing the game after the 2 that were throwing left, but honestly it didn’t matter too much to me. I had a great time playing with them before one of them disconnected and still had a blast afterwards. It doesn’t really matter the outcome, as long as you have a great time playing sooner or later the results will come. Even though I hope it doesn’t happen again, just remember that it’s a game, so have some fun and relax :)


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/jod023/just_a_reminder_that_valorant_is_a_game_and_youre/
  • https://reddit.com/jod023

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