Posted by Steve
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 12:31 AM
I was a beta player and launch player who stopped playing a few weeks after the launch, that was until now where I've begin to really enjoy this game and take it seriously. I've been watching all the videos, vods, aim routnes etc. Practicing just about everything I can as well as some routines suggested by my friend who was near-pro at the game.
He was a radiant player, somewhere around the 300 mark who tells me that the game is past it's peak, and that rank doesn't matter as much as it use to do. Part of this is beacuse he claims a lot of pros have stopped playing comp, or moved on, but that climbing isn't the same as it use to be. He is pretty confident I can climb really far up due to my csgo background alone.
That being said, I've been some really awesome people so far, and comp has been a well versed challenge. I started at silver 2 and am nearing Plat 1 as I near my first real month of playtime in this game. As far as I can see, this game is one that will be around for a while, and will certainly continue to be a fun ride. I am curious as to what veterans here think about the game in it's current state, compared to it's past and it's near future.
I feel like I missed out big time not sticking around since launch ( The value of my account could truly be insane now) but I am really happy I've been diving deeper into this game. As much as I use to shit on the culture before, and rightfully so, there's a lot to enjoy here. Especially with the lore Riot has yet again cooked up for us.
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