Killjoy glitch on Haven needs a fix

Posted by Steve

Saturday, November 28, 2020 7:43 AM

It seems like the Killjoy glitch on garage of Haven is known to everyone. And they arent sparing the chance to use it, just to rank up. This renders the A and C site useless to attack and the round is lost if the killjoy takes control of garage. After losing 10 matches and deranking from Plat 3 to Gold 3 cuz of smurfs, i was finally looking to win this match and then, the degenerate killjoy started glitching. My frustration levels are ever high :) How many days do we have to bear this glitch? I dont wanna go to Silver from Plat 3 If the glitch cant be fixed right away, why not just disable Killjoy for a few days?



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