Posted by Steve
Wednesday, May 12, 2021 6:02 PM
Hello I go by "Haki" and currently ranked Immortal jett and sova main. Moving on, is how people need to stop being so focused on kills. Of course you need kills to win the game but what many people fail to realize is every kill is not equal. What I mean is if a duelist gets an ace on the enemy's save round it is not as important as someone getting one kill to clutch the round. I see way to often many people complain about teammates bottom fragging or they aren't dropping 20 bombs, but there could be countless reasons why they are on the bottom of the leaderboards. For example, if cypher is playing B and the enemy team decides to always go A it puts the cypher at a disadvantage for getting kills vs those who are already on site. On top of that, many teams tend to default until they find cypher in order to avoid him meaning all the potential kills are leaving him which is not terrible because cypher completed their job as a sentinal. The main idea is kills is not everything especially if most of the kills are eco frags.
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