Kitsune Vandal 3D Concept

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, December 15, 2020 4:21 PM

Kitsune Vandal 3D Concept

Kitsune Vandal final version Concept by u/Chibi1234 and u/MarcoIsHereForMemes

Softwares used: Photoshop (2D concept and compositing) , Blender (3D model)

This work took me soooo much time to create but it was a lot of fun, I learned new things and experimented new techniques so it's a relief seeing how nice it turned out. The original 2D concept was not mine but with me being a big japanese culture fan i had to work on it and honestly I'm pretty proud. the color choice was pretty simple, alongside the original red (with a slight purple-ish tint) typical of torii gates, i associated a bright and vibrant cyan for 2 reasons: 1) color theory (red and blue/cyan are opposing colors) 2) it's seen in some traditional kitsune masks



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