Posted by Steve
Wednesday, December 15, 2021 2:26 AM
This is a quick guide for those who want to create their own lineups in custom games and use them in a competitive environment. For reference, I am an ex-collegiate Sova player who specialized in creating and using my own lineups, as I felt that I was more likely to remember them if I made them instead of just following a youtube guide. Currently, I do not play as much but I still help people find and create lineups.
The guide focuses on what your thought process should be AFTER you create the lineup and not on creating the lineup itself, as often people get caught up in making a lineup without thinking about if the lineup is useful and practical to remember. While this is primarily for molly and Sova lineups, these principles can be applied to any situation of"stand here lineup your crosshair/HUD here and do X."
The 3 fundamentals that you want to consider are:
Positioning: Where are you standing relative to your team and the enemy team? Can you quickly help your team afterward? Can the enemy team see you or push you easily in this spot? This is one of the most important concepts that gets lost when people make lineups. If you have to stand in T Spawn to throw a really good recon onto a site as your team pushes it, the value of this recon goes down because you cannot help your team trade and get on site.
Frequency: How often are you throwing this lineup? Is it something that you throw every game on this map? Every other game? Every 100 games? While yes, every lineup is situational, the frequency of said situation is important, primarily for remembering the lineup. You are more likely to remember lineups that you throw on a consistent basis in situations that come up a lot, rather than lineups that have a fringe edge use case.
Difficulty: How much margin of error is there? More importantly, how MANY margins of error are there? The different margins of error are: Where you are standing, where do you lineup your crosshair/HUD on the X-axis, and where do you lineup your crosshair/HUD Y-axis (jumping is another margin of error but less frequent). Ideally, you stand in a corner and you lineup the crosshair/HUD with something visible on the map, but not every lineup can be as simple as this. Some lineups may have 3 or more margins of error, and as you have more margins of error the likelihood that either 1.) you forget the lineup or 2.) you fail the lineup increases.
While there is a lot more to think about besides these 3 things, most of the rest is character-specific. I hope this helps with determining if a lineup is worth it and if it is something that you can use in-game.
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