Leaked Valorant Agent 21 - Mage

Posted by Steve

Saturday, August 27, 2022 6:02 AM

This is honestly sick of the progress they're making on mage. Some of the wording is a little weird but take this with a grain of salt.

Here are the abilities shown-


EQUIP bubble and enter into a phased state to place down a bubble by pressing the ability key. Activate to create an impenetrable bubble. Bullets cannot pass through.

Tartarus Pit(Q):

EQUIP a Tartarus charger. FIRE to launch a crippling shot that deals some damage and slows players within the zone.

Vision Taker(C):

EQUIP a distortion wall launcher. FIRE to create a small line of distortion. Enemies will get briefly blinded if they walk through.


EQUIP the golem doll. FIRE to throw the golem doll. All teammates in the radius will get a regeneration buff and enemies will get a decay debuff. Lasts for a duration or until destroyed by enemies.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/wx95h8/leaked_valorant_agent_21_mage/
  • https://reddit.com/wx95h8

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