LEARNING Viper Should Be Easier

Posted by Steve

Sunday, March 28, 2021 7:00 PM

Heads Up: This is not a "BUFF VIPER PLS" post. I think Viper's in an amazing spot right now, with many of the top EU teams picking her on Bind and Icebox, where I think she shines the most.

I've also been trying to learn the agent so I can pick her on these maps, but learning lineups and coming up with walls is an insufferable process due to several limitations that are exclusively placed on Viper in custom games (due to the way her kit plays out in real games):

  1. You can't pick up her smokes in ghost mode.

  2. You can't pick up her wall after placing it.

  3. Even when you do manage to pick up her smoke, you have to wait out the cooldown to place it again.

Learning Cypher setups in custom games, for example, is much easier because I can just pause the timer during the pre-round, place an infinite amount of trapwires, and pick up any cages I mess up. When I think there's too many cages on the map, I can just start the round, trigger the cages, and clear them out of the map. There is no such joy for Viper. Every time I mess up a one way or want to try out a new wall to see what it does, I have to start a new round. Then, when I get to 13 rounds, start a new match.

I think adding a new "recall all abilities" keybind that clears the map and refreshes your cooldowns could be a good solution to this problem, but I'm obviously not a game developer. What are some good workarounds that the Viper mains on here have used to learn her?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/mejne7/learning_viper_should_be_easier/
  • https://reddit.com/mejne7

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