"Let abilities be different" is the worst excuse for keeping abilities too strong.

Posted by Steve

Thursday, November 5, 2020 9:09 PM

I've seen this a lot since Skye was released, pretty much only in reference to the noise her flashes make. It doesn't even make sense considering the fact that they are different. Remove the noise and they are still very different then every other flash in the game. Phoenix has to be right next to his and only gets 2. Breach gets 3 but requires a wall to use them. Both cost 200 for them. Skye's are a fully maneuverable flash that can be used as a pop flash and tells you when someone gets flashed, and you get up to three, and you get one for free, and they only cost 100. Removing the sound indicator on flash doesn't make them the same as any other flash, stop using this excuse. Skye is super unique as is, removing one thing on her flash isn't going to make her not.

Edit: This post is intended to talk about the generic "Let (Blank) be different" argument that goes for any agent and even the game itself. Skye was just the latest example. If I really wanted to complain about HoW oP sKyE iS I could write an essay, but I didn't. If you really want my actual honest opinion on Skyes flashes here it is: I like them. I think functionally they are good for the game. Perhaps the ability to use them without any risk and being rewarded with not only blinding the enemy for a long time but also knowing the enemy is there is a bit too much. Since it's incredibly low risk for a huge amount of reward. But other than the audio cue, functionally I think they are great. They also cost super cheap, but that's not just a Skye thing. That's a talk about how signature abilities should be handled, and should some really really strong abilities having no cost good for the game? That's a cost for power talk, not a Skye specific talk. Anyways *kisses*


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/jo0zwe/let_abilities_be_different_is_the_worst_excuse/
  • https://reddit.com/jo0zwe

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