Let us Re-Roll Night Market with Radianite!

Posted by Steve

Saturday, December 12, 2020 11:33 PM

I’m pretty sure the night market seems to be a way of trying to get people to buy the least popular skins as most people I see posting keep saying they got “trash” or asking when it resets.

I know the devs have been looking for ways to make radianite more useful, Maybe it would be a good idea to let people re-roll each individual weapon option using radianite! Of course it should cost a significant amount to avoid having people re-roll the entire market and of course this would be completely optional as you could always just wait for the reset.

Radianite is technically earnable for free in game so it shouldn’t break any gambling laws around the world.

Edit 1: woah thank you for all the awards! didn’t expect this post to get this much traction haha was just the first thing that came to mind when I saw how much bad luck people were getting.

Edit 2: Once again Radianite is free, earnable in game! If you don’t want to re-roll you don’t have to spend anything, you can just wait for the reset. this was just an idea for people who are sitting on a bunch of Radianite (which seems to be a lot of you)

Edit 3: It has been brought to my attention that the night market won’t reset at all and will likely disappear all together in 32 days! There is something very similar in league of legends that apparently only pops up for special events and holidays. Not confirmed though.

Edit 4: Thank you to Ryan Central from the “Hitscan” YouTube channel for mentioning this post in their latest Valorant video! I know you guys have direct connections to developers at Riot so this significantly raises the chances they see this.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/karpm9/let_us_reroll_night_market_with_radianite/
  • https://reddit.com/karpm9

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