Let's help each other with some general helpful tips

Posted by Steve

Saturday, October 8, 2022 1:00 AM

There are a lot of small things you can do that help you win the round and I though it would be fun to share some with everyone.

I'll start with something I learned a while ago, but still don't see people do in Plat 3.

When you plant the spike, it will always be planted in front of you. This means you can use this to your advantage to plant the spike for a better angle.

One example of this: the default B plant on Icebox. Most people plant the bomb in the corner next to the wall and face towards kitchen. If you sit right at the edge and face towards the yellow container, it plants the spike just slightly more in that direction which makes it just a little bit harder for the enemies to defuse since they are exposed a bit more than usual (it takes more time to fall behind cover after faking the defuse for example).

If you have any other general tips (that work in every case and are not agent or map dependant) please share them here!


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/xxtnyi/lets_help_each_other_with_some_general_helpful/
  • https://reddit.com/xxtnyi

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