Let’s talk about the problems with this game.

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, July 28, 2021 6:31 AM

Maps: let us choose which maps we queue for. Playing Breeze 6 times in a row isn’t fun. I know they said they want the maps to be evenly played but, here’s my stats of my last 30 competitive matches played (yes I kept track)







Bind is my favorite map and of course I get to play it on average 1 out of every 15 games I play. If we say every comp games takes 40 minutes at the least, that’s me getting to play my favorite map once every 10 hours played. A little ridiculous.

Run and gunning. A MAJOR issue. They patch they did a while back was not even close to being good enough. Gunplay feels so bad.

Speaking of bad gunplay, hitreg is another issue. Not quite as bad as the others here, but it is an issue. Needs tuning.

And the number 1 issue plaguing this game… smurfs. Yep it’s smurfs. It makes the game so not fun to constantly play people who are better than you when you definitely shouldn’t be. Please find ways to squash smurfs.

I want this game to be something I come home and play every day, but I can’t jump on valorant and guarantee I have a good time anymore. Seems like riots only working for the pro scene and the weapon skins (the two things raking them in the cash. Coincidence?) please listen to your players riot.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ospyzb/lets_talk_about_the_problems_with_this_game/
  • https://reddit.com/ospyzb

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