Letter to riot and how the community can help

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, December 15, 2021 3:24 PM

Letter to riot and how the community can help

Hello. Today I’ve decided to write how about a certain topic to riot. That topic is “why can’t I get the RGX guardian in my shop”. I will make a few points to persuade you (a riot employee/owner) into gently placing said gun into my shop and then list how a mere mortal can help the cause.

  1. I am the biggest fan of the guardian. This is the only gun I am able to use with success. If I receive this skin in my shop, I will devote my life to combat against the guardian haters. Any guardian naysayers will have to go through me first (which is impossible)
  2. I am willing to drop FAT STACKS on any guardian skin now or in the future. My dad owns Nintendo so I am a very valuable customer. Source? Trust me. I can get chamber in smash bros.
  3. I’m a world famous artist and I made a piece for riot for free. Here is a link to my creation. Your welcome. RGX sage you might know me for my previous work, the Mona Lisa.
  4. I click mad heads now, imagine me with the RGX skin. No one is safe. Not even faker. I will click every head possible. Riot employees 1v1 me I’m like silver 2. Pretty impressive I know.
  5. I will provide more free labor to riot and more skin ideas since I’m a genius. Here’s the first free one, water gun guardian 🔫 Here’s another one, plushy guardian.

How can you help me? Simple! Everyone can send me your best luck wishes as well as motivations. If your shop has the RGX guardian, send me a photo for my shrine. If you hit a sick clip with it? Send her over so I can pretend I did it. Anything you do will help the cause. If anyone has any rituals or practices that you believe will help, I will preform them before the shop resets and post the results, along with a thank you letter. UNTIL THE DAY COMES.

So with these points, I believe I am fit to receive the RGX guardian in my shop. If I didn’t fully persuade you, I will accept the prayers of riot employees and any good luck wishes. Thank you everyone. (Put guardian here —-> Seapuff#chamb on NA)

Sent on my iPhone


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/rgn7kv/letter_to_riot_and_how_the_community_can_help/
  • https://reddit.com/rgn7kv

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