Looking for a Discord/players focused on improving

Posted by Steve

Monday, November 16, 2020 9:09 PM

Hey there! I was wondering if anyone knows of groups / servers that frequently stack together and focus on improving? Specifically for mid-level players that are Silver - Platinum.

To elaborate a bit I'm interested in stacking more often with people who want to practice calls, team executes, and generally are positive (but also give feedback). I used to have a large group of people like this for CSGO and it always made the game really enjoyable. My least favorite thing about the game at the moment is solo queueing or duo queueing into teammates who won't comm, won't listen, or are just generally toxic. Would appreciate any info or links to servers like this!


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/jv3ghp/looking_for_a_discordplayers_focused_on_improving/
  • https://reddit.com/jv3ghp

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