looking for gameplay advice (bronze 1 fade VOD)

Posted by Steve

Thursday, March 30, 2023 6:02 AM

been playing valo for a little over a year now on and off and can’t break out of bronze. valorant was both my first fps and my first pc game in general (reason I bought my setup). I placed iron 1 originally with no knowledge of mechanics, abilities, crosshair placement, etc and I think I’ve improved significantly, but clearly I still have a lot of things to improve upon regarding my performance. I peaked bronze 3 a few acts ago and now I’ve demoted to bronze 1 😔

I warmup for at least 30 mins before I play and use woohoojin’s training methods. the game linked is not my best, not my worst performance, but if you have some time to even just skim the vod and offer some critiques on my gameplay, I’d be greatly appreciative!



  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXIkZMKE5ns
  • https://reddit.com/125nh6a

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