Looking for opinions, Reyna’s flash vs Skye’s flash?

Posted by Steve

Monday, August 9, 2021 4:50 PM

Me and my brother disagree on this so I’m curious to hear more opinions. I think Reyna’s flash is superior because it persists for a short time which (if played properly) basically forces the enemy to peak and destroy it or wait for it to go away which allows you time to push forward. He says skye’s is superior because you can get information from the flash and it’s more versatile with more charges and more control options. Looking for more opinions on this.

Edit: Guess I shouldn’t argue with someone with more experience than me. Also quite possibly I am a fool.

Edit 2: O god this was a mistake. I feel like a clown.

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  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/p0llnf/looking_for_opinions_reynas_flash_vs_skyes_flash/
  • https://reddit.com/p0llnf

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