Looking for teammates valorant! :D (Gold to plat)

Posted by Steve

Sunday, December 5, 2021 11:33 PM

Im gold 1 and my duo is plat 1, we've been playing for a while and are super commited to ranking up and actually learning to improve in E3A2 i started bronze 3 and ended gold 1 and my friend started bronze 3 and ended gold 3. Im a killjoy main and can play viper, and he is a reyna main and can play jett. recently we've been getting a lot of bad games through a mixture of smurfs, bad teammates, and bad teamwork on our part, so we're looking for people like us that also wanna learn and rank up.any ranks gold 1 - plat 3 work and we're specifically looking for initiators and controllers, but duelists and sentinels can also work :DTL;DRLooking for gold 1-plat 3specifically: Sova, cypher, omen, astra, breach, viper

Edit- NA-East i cant believe i missed that. thank u u/Pienatt for catching that lmao


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/r9b81o/looking_for_teammates_valorant_d_gold_to_plat/
  • https://reddit.com/r9b81o

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